Converting pdfs and doc files to pictures

Sometimes you need to convert a file; perhaps a doc file to a pdf (if you haven't got a pdf writer) or a doc file to a jpg, a pdf to a jpg or some strange file you can't open on your computer to something you can!A

At Club-Sites we use a system called Zamzar found at  It is a capable system that allows you to upload a file and then choose a new format (pdf, jpg, doc, etc).

Using Zamzar

Go to and, using the browse button on the page, select the file you want to convert, choose the format you want the file to be converted to and your email address - Zamzar will send you an email to tell you when the file is read for collection.

Using Zamzar

After a minute or so (sometimes it can take up to 10 minutes) you will receive an email like this:

Zamzar email

Follow the link to download your converted file (I ignore their offers to set up my own account).

You will then see a page like this:

Download your file  

The file to download is the one with the extension you want eg .jpg .pdf ignore .zip files.


Please bear in mind that this system is not Club-Sites software and so we can not guarantee it and you will find accompanying advertising. 

I wouldn't recommend sending files that of a sensitive nature.