The Publish and Unpublish buttons


Once you are ready to publish a page, make sure you save it and then click (just once) on the publish icon publish icon You'll find it near the save button.

FAQ - publish button on control panel


To stop a page being visible to anyone (but still visible to you, the editor) simply click, just once, on the unpublish icon Unpublish icon a window will then appear with a message:

FAQ - control panel how to unpublish

Unpublish window

Click OK to unpublish the page.

The page will now only be visible to the editor of the page and or the administrator of the website.

If you unpublish a main menu item with sub menus, all the sub menus will become invisible too.

To republish the page simply click the publish button (just once).

It isn't possible to unpublish the home page.

Can't see the unpublish button? 

The unpublish button Unpublish icon is only visible after the publish buttonPublish icon has been clicked and sits in exactly the same place as the publish button.